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Your First Appointment

Just 4 easy steps that will make your visit run that much smoother.

1.  Make sure you've set aside enough time.


A full set typically takes anywhere from 2-3 hours of lash time, depending on the amount of natural lashes you have and the styling technique we use.  Not to mention paperwork, a consultation, bathroom breaks, and maybe even traffic! You'll want to give yourself plenty of time, so you can truly relax and not worry about being late for that hot date, phone conference, or the kiddo's soccer practice.

2.  Come in free of eye make-up and creams.


The lash extensions are attached to your individual natural eyelashes using an adhesive.  In order to get great bond, we'll need your lashes to be clean as a whistle!  For best results, avoid mascara for at least 24 hrs before your appointment.

3.  No coffee, please!


For many of us, caffeine causes involuntary micro muscle movements.  Basically...jittery eyelids= dancing eyelashes.  You may not notice it as you go about your everyday life, but those tiny tremors can make isolating each individual eyelash awfully difficult!  So we kindly ask that you skip the latte before your lash nap and swing by your favorite coffee shop on the way home, instead.  Bonus points if you flutter your fabulous new lashes at the barista!

4.  Come with clean hair


The first 12 hrs after your appointment are pretty crucial.  The adhesive needs that time to cure, so you won't be able to expose your new extensions to water, steam, or sweat.  (This includes, but is not limited to working out, white water rafting, & crying during sad movies.  Steel Magnolias, anyone?)  So, come with fresh tresses or have some dry shampoo on hand!

Thanks for submitting!

2106 Gallows Rd, Suite B

Tysons Corner, VA 22182

text: (703) 828-5969

© 2022 by Morgan Noelle Lash Studio, LLC

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